Our visit to the Green Beauty Congress

Moving towards a sustainable beauty future at the Green Beauty Congress!

Yesterday, Chemir was honoured to participate in the Green Beauty Congress, an event that shone a light on the path to sustainability in the beauty industry. We were delighted to be part of this important conversation on sustainable beauty. The European market is undergoing constant regulatory changes, as is our cosmetics industry.

The Green Beauty Congress has become an invaluable platform to learn, share ideas and collaborate with industry leaders. All participants conveyed their passion for creating positive and sustainable change both locally and globally. We were inspired by the innovative solutions presented and share the vision of developing beauty products that are both effective and environmentally friendly.

At Chemir, we are aware that there is still much work to be done, but we are committed to taking the necessary steps towards these necessary and sustainable changes.

The speakers

We would like to highlight the presentation of Germán Castillo, who managed to convey the regulatory data in a pleasant and interesting way. His contribution was invaluable to better understand the challenges and opportunities on our way to sustainable beauty.

We would also like to thank Helena Rodríguez, Montserrat Arias and the other speakers for their presentations on market trends and the need to integrate this process of change towards a sustainable future into the very DNA of the company.

A sustainable future

We thank the Beauty Cluster and Mente Activa, as well as all the participants of the Green Beauty Congress, for giving us this enriching experience. We will continue to promote innovation and collaboration in the cosmetics sector to evolve towards a more sustainable future.

If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate to contact us to contact us. You can also follow us on LinkedIn so you don’t miss our news.

#GreenBeautyCongress #BeautyCluster #MenteActiva #Sostenibilidad #ChemirJourney